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Writer's pictureKalina Bains

The Kintsugi Grandmother: A Journey of Wisdom and Awakening

Today, I want to share a piece of my heart with you all. As I sit here, reflecting on the twists and turns of my life as a grandmother, I am reminded of the beautiful art of Kintsugi. Just like the pottery mended with gold, our lives too have been filled with cracks and breaks, each one adding to our unique beauty and strength.

Life has been nothing short of a kaleidoscope, constantly shifting and changing. Each twist and turn has brought new colors and patterns, shaping us into the women we are today.

We’ve faced challenges, celebrated victories, and learned to embrace the ever-changing vibrant journey with grace and resilience.

Navigating through the labyrinth of life, we’ve gathered wisdom and understanding. Each path, whether smooth or rocky, has taught us valuable lessons. We’ve learned to accept ourselves, flaws and all, and to find beauty in our imperfections. This journey has been about more than just surviving; it’s been about thriving and evolving.

Our journey has been that of a chrysalis, transforming and emerging into something ethereal and beautiful. We’ve shed old skins, let go of past hurts, and embraced our true selves. This awakening has been a deeply personal and feminine journey, bringing us closer to our essence and each other.

Secrets of the Kintsugi Grandmothers

Through our journey, we’ve uncovered profound secrets about ourselves:

  1. Embracing Imperfections: Our imperfections are what make us unique and beautiful. We’ve come to love our flaws as they tell the story of our journey.

  2. Importance of Connection: Our bonds with each other have been a source of strength and support. We’ve learned that we are never alone on this journey.

  3. Living Authentically: Being true to ourselves has brought us peace and fulfillment. We’ve let go of societal expectations and embraced our true selves.

  4. Power of Forgiveness: Forgiving ourselves and others has been a key to our healing. Letting go of grudges has freed us to live more fully and joyfully.

  5. Strength in Vulnerability: We’ve learned that true strength comes from embracing our vulnerabilities. It’s in our moments of weakness that we find our greatest resilience.

  6. Value of Self-Love: Loving ourselves has been the foundation of our awakening. Self-care and self-compassion have allowed us to nurture our souls and grow.

Kintsugi grandmothers, we leave behind our golden footprints for those who come after us. These footprints are a celebration of our journey, our resilience, and our wisdom. We are holding a space for ourselves and for future generations, a space filled with love, understanding, and acceptance. Our journey is not just our own; it is a legacy that will inspire and guide others.

As we continue to evolve, let’s celebrate our feminine ethereal awakening. We’ve come to understand that our strength lies in our vulnerability, wisdom in our experiences, and our beauty in our authenticity. We’ve created a tapestry of love, support, and understanding.

To all of you who have been with me and continue this labyrinth of life with me, thank you for walking with me on this journey. Let’s continue to embrace the twists of the kaleidoscope, navigate the labyrinth with wisdom, and emerge from our chrysalis with grace and beauty. Here’s to our ongoing journey of self-discovery and awakening.

Let’s share our stories and support each other on this journey. Reach out to a friend today, share your experiences, and listen to theirs. Together, we can continue to grow and evolve, embracing our unique paths with love and understanding.

With all my love, 

Kintsugi Woman


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