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Kalina Bains

Dot Jots to Self ... She IS

Kintsugi woman of who she is and who she is not

She is a survivor of life's trials and tribulations, embracing her imperfections with grace and resilience.

  • She is not defined by her scars, but rather empowered by the stories they tell and the strength they represent.

She is a beacon of hope, shining brightly with a spirit that refuses to be dimmed by adversity.

  • She is not afraid to show vulnerability, understanding that true strength lies in authenticity and self-acceptance.

She is a masterpiece in progress, constantly evolving and growing with each experience that shapes her journey.

  • She is not constrained by societal expectations, choosing instead to pave her own path with courage and conviction.

She is a healer of hearts, using her own mended cracks to inspire others to find beauty in their brokenness.

  • She is not limited by the past, but rather propelled forward by the possibilities that lie ahead.

She is a mosaic of contradictions, embracing the duality of light and shadow that makes her whole.

  • She is not afraid to stand alone, knowing that her worth is not determined by the company she keeps.

She is a storyteller of her own narrative, weaving together the threads of her experiences into a tapestry of wisdom and growth.

  • She is not bound by the expectations of others, choosing instead to write her own story with courage and conviction.

She is a seeker of truth, unafraid to confront her own fears and insecurities in the pursuit of authenticity.

  • She is not content with surface-level connections, craving depth and meaning in her relationships.

She is a warrior of the heart, fighting bravely for love and compassion in a world that often feels cold and indifferent.

  • She is not swayed by the opinions of others, standing firm in her convictions and values.

She is a work of art in motion, dancing through life with a grace and poise that captivates all who encounter her.

  • She is not defined by conventional standards of beauty, radiating a glow that comes from within.

She is a mirror of truth, reflecting back the light and shadows of the souls she encounters along her journey.

  • She is not afraid to confront her own darkness, knowing that it is only through facing our shadows that we can truly embrace the light.

She is a sanctuary of peace, offering solace and comfort to those in need of a safe harbor in life's storms.

  • She is not a savior, but rather a guide who walks alongside others on their own paths to healing and wholeness.

She is a melody of resilience, singing a song of hope and LOVE in a world that often feels disconnect and chaotic.

  • She is not immune to pain, but rather uses it as a reminder of her growth and change from the past.

She is a kintsugi woman, embodying the beauty of imperfection and the strength that comes from embracing our brokenness as part of who we are.

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