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Writer's pictureKalina Bains

Chrysalis Blueprint

Procrastination, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome are three of the most common obstacles that people face in their personal and professional lives. These limiting beliefs can hold us back from achieving our goals and reaching our full potential. To let go of the Sabotage Warrior, we must first identify these limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. Here is a blueprint to help you overcome these obstacles and achieve your goals.

 Identify the limiting belief

The first step in overcoming these limiting beliefs is to identify them. Ask yourself what beliefs you hold that are holding you back. Do you believe that you are not good enough? Do you believe that you have to be perfect to succeed? Do you believe that you don't have enough time to complete your tasks? Once you have identified these beliefs, write them down.

Challenge the belief

The second step is to challenge these beliefs. Ask yourself if they are true. Are you not good enough? Is perfectionism necessary for success? Do you not have enough time? Look for evidence that contradicts these beliefs. For example, think of times when you have succeeded despite feeling like you weren't good enough. Think of successful people who are not perfect. Think of times when you have completed tasks despite feeling like you didn't have enough time.

 Replace the belief with an empowering mantra

The final step is to replace the limiting belief with an empowering mantra. This is a thought you can repeat to yourself whenever you feel the limiting belief creeping in. For example, if you believe that you are not good enough, replace that belief with the mantra "I am capable and worthy of success." If you believe that you have to be perfect, replace that belief with the mantra "Done is better than perfect." If you believe that you don't have enough time, replace that belief with the mantra "I have all the time I need to complete my tasks."

This a powerful framework for empowering women to become bolder and braver, guided by their passion and spirit. Diva Strong is an organization that embodies this philosophy and seeks to help women everywhere find their inner strength. In this blog post, we will explore the 11 steps of the CHRYSALIS Journey Blueprint and the mantras that accompany each step.

Step 1: Connect with Your Inner Self

The first step on the CHRYSALIS Journey is to connect with your inner self. This means taking the time to reflect on your values, beliefs, and goals. The mantra for this step is "I am connected to my inner self."

Step 2: Unleash Your Creativity

Once you have connected with your inner self, it's time to unleash your creativity. This means exploring your passions and finding new ways to express yourself. The mantra for this step is "I am a creative force."

Step 3: Embrace Your Authenticity

The third step is to embrace your authenticity. This means accepting yourself for who you are, and not trying to conform to others' expectations. The mantra for this step is "I am authentic and true to myself."

Step 4: Cultivate Your Strengths

Next, it's time to cultivate your strengths. This means identifying your unique talents and abilities and finding ways to develop them further. The mantra for this step is "I am strong and capable."

Step 5: Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is essential for personal development. This means being open to new experiences and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. The mantra for this step is "I am open to new possibilities."

Step 6: Set Intentional Goals

Setting intentional goals is key to achieving your dreams. This means setting clear, measurable goals that align with your values and passions. The mantra for this step is "I am focused on my goals."

Step 7: Create a Vision Board

Visualizing your goals is a powerful way to manifest them. Creating a vision board can help you keep your goals in focus, and stay motivated. The mantra for this step is "I am visualizing my dreams."


Step 8: Take Action

Taking action is the next step on the journey. This means putting in the hard work to make your dreams a reality. The mantra for this step is "I am taking action towards my goals."

Step 9: Overcome Obstacles

Obstacles are a natural part of the journey, but they can also be opportunities for growth. Overcoming obstacles requires resilience and perseverance. The mantra for this step is "I am resilient and strong."

Step 10: Celebrate Your Wins

Celebrating your wins is an important part of staying motivated. This means taking the time to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. The mantra for this step is "I am celebrating my successes."


Step 11: Give Back

Finally, giving back to others is a powerful way to cultivate gratitude and abundance. This means using your talents and resources to help others and making a positive impact in the world. The mantra for this step is "I am making a difference in the world."

The CHRYSALIS Journey Blueprint is a powerful tool for empowering women to become bolder and braver, guided by their passion and spirit. By following these 11 steps, you can unlock your full potential and live the life of your dreams. Remember, you are strong, capable, and deserving of success. So go out there and make it happen!

Following this blueprint, you can let go of the Sabotage Warrior and overcome the limiting beliefs of procrastination, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome. Remember to identify the limiting belief, challenge it, and replace it with an empowering mantra. With perseverance and a positive mindset, you can achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

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