How many times have you felt like a bad girl, called and judged for being different, thinking differently? This is for you, for me after all these years of self-doubt, and critical thoughts, because of things we did, things that happened to us or had no control of. It took decades of wearing masks and believing what others taught me.
The bad girl in me
The one who trusted herself
Who respected herself
Said no when she needed to
Who believed in more
Who found her voice
Who loved herself
Who put herself first
Who took off the masks
Believing in herself
Finding her voice
Judged by others for being different
Thinking different
Thank you Bad Girl
For being here with me
For being strong when I couldn’t be
For standing up for yourself
For forgiving yourself and others
For breaking the rules
For letting go of what no longer served you
Thank you Bad Girl
For being here with me
For being strong when I couldn’t be
For standing up for yourself
For forgiving yourself and others
For breaking the rules
For letting go of what no longer served you
Thank you for being a voice for the voiceless
Thank you for your empowerment when no one else was there
Thank you for showing us how to take off the masks
Thank you for teaching others to trust themselves
Thank you for teaching others it was okay to say NO
Thank you for teaching us to love ourselves
Thank you for teaching us to put ourselves first
Thank you for teaching us to believe in more
You believed in yourself and helped me believe in myself
We are kintsugi strong
We empower others
We have discovered
We have accepted who we are
We have healed our heart, mind and soul
We have gone through a feminine
We have radiantly reinvented ourselves
We have been on a journey of feminine ethereal awakening of self
We put ourselves back together stronger
We are bolder and braver
I look at myself, the 22 year old and see a beautiful, young woman. She was so brave and strong to have gone through the things she did. She made a lot of mistakes, and had a lot of do-overs. She took chances. She believed in herself and was her own best friend, and worst enemy.
Looking though the eyes of my parents, my grandparents I often withdrew and wore those masks. Now I see, I protected myself I was in my chrysalis of self and it is though my feminine ethereal awakening that I went though Discovery-Acceptance-Healing-Transformation-Awakening of self.
Many of you know I have been writing for years and with my blog and I feel that I am ready to write my book, maybe a few book. I'm 65 and ready. It has been a journey of Discovery-Acceptance-Healing-Transformation-Awakening. I have come out on the others side of the chrysalis and love who I am, with all the flaws, and fragmented parts of me. I know I am enough. XOXO ME